Kidney Stones Expelled and Crushed? Persistent UTI?

Our driver Oliver has some progress with his kidney pain and his urinating pain. He went to his home town in Ilocos Norte and saw a traditional healer there who prescribed corn hair and cogon roots to boil together. Several days of this and it got rid of his kidney pain.

My wife then suggested her apple cider vinegar discovery where Oliver took apple cider vinegar in some water 3 times a day. Then after a few days came the day he peed something like sand and there was much relief for him. But there was still some annoying pain when he peed.

This morning I analyzed his story and said that now that his kidney pain has ceased, and that the antibiotic drugs he is taking does not seem to be working for his bladder or urinary tract pain, then maybe he sliver needs cleansing with egg yolk liver flushes… the easiest liver flush protocol. Just take the egg yolk + calamansi + extra virgin olive oil concoction when you wake up at 6am, lied down for 30 minutes on his right side, then get up and work then drive our kids to school. Just do 4 straight days of egg yolk liver flushes, rest for 3 days, then do another 4 days. Let it go on until his liver is strong enough and his kidney pain goes away. Hmmm… maybe he should add apple juice to his regimen.

The idea is to cleanse and nourish his liver. The liver then will be able to clean his blood, and clean blood will be able to to the repairs needed by his body.

Let’s wait and see, Oliver begins his first egg yolk liver flush tomorrow at 6am. Let’s get rid of this persistent UTI.

I was making Oliver realize one day that he should be paying me and my wife for our treatments. He paid his doctor who gave him drugs right? He paid his albulario / traditional healer. So maybe he should appreciate our value, our contribution to his healing.