Candida Sick, Yeast Sick, Mind Sick, Cry Baby, Anti Profit Whiners

I saw a curious query on with someone asking if the Yeast Infection No More is any good, looking for an honest opinion of the 40 USD book.  I got curious too, why was it getting so much press, no detractors.  So I promised I would buy the book and review it.  So I spent my $40 to review the book.  And then I read it and smiled and got excited, that hey, the reason why there are no detractors of this book is that it was really really good.  So I wrote in my review that I recommend this book.  This is the real deal.  Of course I put an affiliate link as well.  Is that so bad?

Apparently, the current crop of sickos in candida forum are mentally captitalistically inept.  They wailed at my review.  They didn’t even bother about my credentials.  At how long I’ve been posting on curezone and raw paleo forum helping people, that my free blogs educate people.  They complain I have affiliate links and I have advertisements.  Business 101.  It is precisely from this inept kind of thinking that the so called REAL HEALING movement has not been taking off.  We should be thankful for Google and the Affiliate outfits like Clickbank who make us health information warriors some pocket change for the writing we do.  If this blogging was all expense, would you think I’d keep blogging for 5 years?  At least the pocket change should pay for my hosting, my web designers, my themes, my time, my expertise.

My expertise is VALUABLE.  Hands on and by mere advice I have saved and cured dozens of people, for free and at my expense.  By my websites I have saved hundreds to thousands of lives from misery.  And these sickos are appalled by the pocket change I get?

How do you think a book like that gets published if they didn’t spend time, copy, expertise, marketing and thought of making a profit?  Then YOU wouldn’t be getting that precious information that may have cured you of yeast infection permanently.  Before the internet, all you knew was heavily marketed western medicine, which is profitable for THEM but unfortunately just does not work for most of us, and is usually harmful.

I did not get well from my yeast infection with this book.  I read Bruce Fife’s book coconut cures and did 2 virgin coconut oil detoxes.  I spent and bought Bruce Fife’s book.  There was no 100% refund guarantee.  I spent to buy the materials, virgin coconut oil, lemons, some salt.  And I got well.  And I’ve been crusading telling people about this virgin coconut oil detox in my website because it works.  I have ad sponsors in my website, because it pays for the bills.  You get your information for free.

A free forum I network administer is , it is an international forum of raw paleo dieters.  They depend on me, my expertise to run that website.  Is my computer geek expertise again for free?  I’m so happy I got well from all my ailments from raw paleo dieting I agreed to manage the forum for free.  In return, it’s not so bad that I put some links to my websites in my forum signature, isn’t it?

So you sick whiners think again of all the good people still taking pity at you by trying to help you almost freely.  There has to be a way to sustain us, or the information will not be passed on.  Many who were healed were not writers, not bloggers, not computer geeks, no funds, not capable of bringing the truth in health info to you.

I got well thanks to the people I humbly paid real money to for me to understand truth in health.  I bought books, I bought herbs, I bought tutorial lessons, I enrolled in online schools.  I spent to get to this degree of health knowledge.  I healed people hands on to get at this health knowledge.  The most scary times when I spent and spent on my loved ones like my brother and my son who almost died, if it were not for my knowledge.  I spent.  My money on them.  I spent and invested in my knowledge.  It’s the way the economy works.  And it can work to do good things.

As I said before, there is no reason to complain against affiliate links, especially to books that guarantee a 100% refund.  You can be a dishonest slob and always get a refund for all the digital books you buy.  It just goes against your conscience if you got well without acknowledging your debt of gratitude to the authors of those books.  I think karma has a way of working here if you dishonestly get a refund for a book, karma sees to it you do not get well.  It’s the way human brains are configured usually.  Truth in health heals you.