Paleo Diet Recipe for Beef Barbecue Makes it Fun for Kids

Paleo Diet pushing on my children. I can pleasantly report that I have great success with my children desiring beef barbecues. I want children to eat seared / rare beef but it has been a difficult hard sell. But if I put the same beef on a stick, they love it. The following is the beef barbecue recipe I use:

  • Have butcher slice beef very thinly. In my case I but sirloin because it’s the most tender cut.
  • Put sea salt and freshly ground pepper as you like. Optional add honey.
  • Use a flat frying pan. Use beef lard on the pan. We have stopped using charcoal directly because the charcoal fumes stick to the meat.
  • Sear some 10 to 15 seconds according to the child’s preference.
  • I let my children do the searing themselves for fun.

Some pictures: