Alternative Treatment for Cancer: Essiac Tea – Soon in the Philippines

Essiac Tea – the great cancer cure of the 20th century from Canada will soon be widely distributed and sold in the Philippines. In the very very near future, cancer cure will be for everyone, affordable by almost everyone. I have met with the distributor, I have in my hands the brochure: “You have Cancer” Essiac Tea by a new trade name of course.

7 Reasons Why to Choose Essiac Tea:

1. Helps your body remove toxins more efficiently than it would on its own.

2. Acts as a blood purifier that facilitates the removal of toxins and wastes.

3. Normalizes digestion for regular bowel movements.

4. Reduces excess fluids and toxins within the tissues of your body.

5. Floods your body with usable phytonutrients and antioxidants.

6. Strengthens your body’s natural defense mechanisms.

7. It’s not a laxative promoted as a body cleanse. The colon is just one of many pathways used by the body to eliminate toxins.

There are 8 herbs in this essiac tea: Burdock root, Sheep sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, Turkish rhubarb root, Watercress, Kelp, Blessed Thistle, Red Clover.

The solution to cancer I’m always promoting is in the Cure Manual at with a raw paleo diet, detox protocols, and more. Back to true nature baby. But on practice, how many of you readers are actually willing to go back to nature and eat bloody freshly killed raw animal meat and animal fat? That’s what continuously frustrates me with people having huge mental blocks with diet. But when it comes to taking concoctions they know nothing about… they are brainwashed to drink blindly.

Enter Essiac Tea, in the midst of most people’s laziness to actually CHANGE, the addition of ESSIAC tea will open the doors to people and show them the light in the quest for true cancer cure. Watch out for this product launch soon. It’s going to be big and will benefit millions of cancer sick Filipinos.

Essiac Tea TV Special Documentary:

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

Watch the 4 part Essiac video.