Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats in Season? Germs? Detox?

The house hold compound has some sick people these days… coughs, colds and sore throats and flu?  Saturday yaya #1 started a cold.  Sunday yaya #2 started her cold.  My wife had some kind of flu Wednesday she had to cancel her business flight Thursday.  Worst off was our first born son started a cold and sore throat Wednesday morning… he’s the one who asthma like colds where he finds it difficult to breath deep enough.

My sister in law P and I were having a debate as to whether this is detox or germs.  She thinks it is germs.  I think detox.  But how about both?

Detox theory.  I’ve been at the case of our maids past few days trying to stamp out chemicals in their diet.  Although it is a house policy to not use artificial flavor mixes in foods, they are lazy enough to poison themselves with chemical flavor sachets for sinigang instead of mashing their own sampaloc.  They also have the habit of drinking 3 in 1 coffee when there is fresh ground organic coffee in the kitchen.

My point about detox is that it takes time for all this dirt to build up: chemicals, cooked food, etc.  So there are times when the body just has to rest and detox.  Mucus formation in colds is a detox method and it gets uncomfortable with coughs and sore throats.  And if the onslaught of cooked food and chemicals does not stop, then the body says stop, take a rest, builds a fever, rejects food… because cooked food and chemical food is a bad load for the body right now.

Germs?  It’s possible.  I can feel something trying to build up in me as well but I know it won’t get me because I do raw paleo diet and I adjust with fighting methods immediately.

On to my son’s case.  Wednesday he said his throat was sore.  I said go raw.  He again bargained for seared beef barbecue.  I had the special barbecue prepared with our medicinal honey and medicinal garlic instead of the cooking ones.  He had 2 barbecue sticks at lunch.  Other times he had fruits in season.  By evening he was feeling much better.

Then came dinner with re-heated roasted duck.  Peer pressure from his siblings and mom and aunt saying wow to the roast duck.  My eyes roll.  Son pushes for the roast duck.  Mom and aunt say go.  I say nyet.  Outvoted.  I bargain no rice.  So he eats just this cooked duck and cucumber.  As I expected, the following morning son feels worse than Wednesday.  He misses school Thursday.

Thursday morning I got fruits in season and especially guavas which have the highest vitamin C of all.  Thursday afternoon son craves for seared lamb.  I finally got some seared lamb and that sated his hunger also in the evening.  I had the maid prepare a kidney cleanse preparation of avocado leaves tea.  He drank some with a touch of honey.  He says his breathing is getting bad again and he notices some chest pain.  Uh oh.  That’s my cue.

I strap the boy on to the pyroenergen machine for 1 hour to alkalize his blood.  My wife gave him mercurius vivus homeopathic powder under his tongue.  In the morning Friday I put a 50 / 50 mix of water and drug store hydrogen peroxide in both his ears.  At breakfast Friday I gave him ripe guyabano and a shake of avocado with a touch of wild honey.  That got his metabolism running.  Warmed him up to sweating.  And then we sun bathed for some 10 minutes.

Friday boy stays home again.  He is breathing easier.  And we want him to conserve energy, let his hot feelings continue so he can burn up whatever germs or toxins are in him.  He is to go on a fully raw day today.  No seared stuff.  If he craves meat he is to eat a full raw duck egg with the whites for protein.  Wife says no mangoes as in her experience, mangoes cause mucus formation for her… she’s 50% dna of the boy, so I listen to that.  Wife says drink lots of coconuts because that liquifies his mucus and he can easily blow it out or cough it out.  Again, wife is 50% of the boy’s dna so I listen to that.  And she’s the one who gets these mucus and asthma stuff too so that is why biological parents are important in helping children with illness.