Clean Air Plants Indoors Thrust inspired by Kamal Meattle: How to grow your own fresh air

In our last session with the Anthroposophic doctor Divina Hey, I was asking how we can improve our luck that my entire family is always getting sick, while I the raw paleo dieter am the only strong one left standing all the time? Dr. Hey suggested a Ted Talk she saw on the net: Kamal Meattle: How to grow your own fresh air.

I saw it. Looked easy enough. So last Saturday I bought the basic set:

Snake Plant
Money Plant

The old lady selling these plants said I should hold them, feel them in the leaves, the stem and the roots/soil, send positive loving thoughts… just like a “chick!” Got me thinking like I got additional “chicks” in the house.

Well yeah, the plants do make me smile and it’s great to have living creatures in the house. Last night I slept beside them. It felt different.

The talk suggested maybe 3 or 4 plants per person. So if there are 5 of us in our little home, maybe I should get at least 15 of these plants. So in the next few days I will buy more.

Doing a quick youtube search and it appears there are quite a few more plants that can give us great indoor living quality. Check out the following video:

So yeah, I’m optimistic. I should get more of these plants for my office too! Worker efficiency! Less absences.