Appendicitis Appendectomy Avoidance with Herbal Colon Cleanser Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea

Avoid appendicitis appendectomy by always having in stock a bottle of Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea. The appendix is an important organ.  Researcher say it provides our colon with probiotics.  Appendicitis appendectomy is often suggested by the medical profession as it is a quick and profitable surgical procedure… $$$ man $$$.  And they say you won’t miss your appendix.  Oh yes you would.  There is no such thing as a vestigial organ… the appendix being a  vestigial organ is surgical poppycock!

My wife had appendicitis appendectomy when she was 4 months pregnant with our 3rd child.  We did not know any better back then.  But we do now.  We discovered colon cleansers.  One of the shining great colon cleansers is Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea made and sold by Dr. Tam Mateo.  It is sold in Tiendesitas and Metro Walk in Pasig City.

Years ago, a friend called me and said he had appendicitis and he was scheduled for surgery. I pleaded he defer appendicitis appendectomy surgery for a day, and I will drive over with a bottle of Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea.  He drank the seemingly harmless 1/2 cup dose and in the early morning he swore his stomach was in World War 3.  But his colon was cleansed.  And he never did the appendectomy.

Just a few days ago I experimented with raw cow’s milk and heated cheese from the cow’s milk for my son who needed raw cow’s milk to fix some digestive issues.  I was driving and I immediately alternated drinking the raw cow’s milk and the cheese.  The raw cow’s milk pepped me up every time I drank it.  The cheese made me sleepy every time I ate it.  In the evening my lactose intolerant stomach started building up gas, farts.  Then I felt my appendix enlarge, inflamed.  Did the old raise your right leg up and feel if it bumps your appendix.  It did.  What to do?  Drink Dr. Tam’s miracle tea at once, just 1/2 a cup.  In 5 minutes I could feel my appendix deflating.  Man that was fast.  It took me some 4-5 hours before I pooped my guts out.

Yesterday my children came home with us from the school fair.  My 2nd child, the strong boy was down, grimacing in stomach pain.  His mom gave him some anthroposophic medicine.  I then asked my boy to do the old raise your right leg test.  Sure enough his appendix was inflamed.  Simple solution again.  Give 1/4 cup of Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea to my 8 year old boy.  He took a nap for some 30 minutes and woke up with all the tummy pain gone, no more inflamed appendix.  That was easy, again.

Moral of the story is never be a victim of appendicitis appendectomy surgery.  Keep in stock in your freezer, at least 1 bottle of Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea.  Defrost when needed.  Or better yet, always keep 1 bottle in the refrigerator and 1 bottle in the freezer like we do.

Be careful with what you eat.  Your tummy is not a garbage can.  And even if you are careful, it pays to be well armed with a powerful anti appendicitis herbal colon cleanser like Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea.