Christmas Impatso Dyspepsia Causing Fevers, Colds or Diarrhea

Another Christmas celebration with feasting is over, now comes the days of reckoning.  My 2nd son is down with a fever.  One of my employees is down with diarrhea.  My wife is down with headache and sore throat.  It’s called “impatso”, where people eat and drink a whole bunch of different foods, some of them junk food such as wheat and high carbohydrate “goodies”, plus over cooked low quality or processed meats.  And then there’s staying up too late.  Merry Christmas!

For my 2nd boy who is 8 years old, I hope this was a learning experience for him with his impatso.  He asked me if he could eat this or that with pleading eyes as if he was left out and that this is Christmas, I said sure sure sure, yes yes yes so he knows just what those bad junk wheat and sweets can do to a healthy strong boy.  Then he slept over with the cousins, slept at 1:30am and woke up at 6am.

My boy went down with a fever.  Out like a light bulb switched off.  My wife gave him some Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea in the morning, it is a powerful herbal colon cleanser.  In a few hours my boy moved his bowels, taking out all his undigested and hard to digest stuff… getting rid of impatso.  And later, got rid of his fever and got his strength back.

Lesson hopefully learned by this 8 year old boy.

Lesson also learned by my 10 year old boy who I had strictly taught to just eat the meats, fats and the fruits.  No wheat, and no sweets.  No impatso for him.