Liposomal Vitamin C? Or Natural High Vitamin C Fruit and Raw Fat?

Interesting discussion and ideas being brandished about regarding liposomal vitamin C.  The theory is that vitamin c absorption by the human body is abysmal, but if you coat the vitamin C with fat such as soy lecithin, then your body absorbs a much greater amount of that vitamin C and it is put to good use.  I do want to make it clear to you dear reader that when this man in the video talks about vitamin C, he is talking about those commercial supplements which is really ascorbic acid.  And that soy lecithin, though from non gmo is a highly processed fat item.

Now that is the discussion of liposomal vitamin c using processed supplements. Fine and dandy, it may work.

But I have been discussing natural high vitamin C in fruit and combining it with raw fat in one meal preferably breakfast and this allows you to absorb real natural vitamin c in the fruit by as much as 90% with the result being you are able to restore the color of your hair from white to black in my case. The fruits I use are either native guavas or native papayas. And the fats I use are either raw duck eggs, avocados, coconut meat, or raw milk. And yes, I have seen this work on myself at 40 and a 60 year old man. The same white hair growing has black hair at the base. It’s amazing what you can do with high vitamin C.

Now which method is good for you? That depends on what you’ve got at your living location.

Please report your experiences with liposomal vitamin c.