No Life Insurance? No Money? High Blood Pressure with Pain in the Head? Here’s what you can do.

No life insurance. No money.  Extremely high blood pressure with pain in the head.  Sounds like someone I know, Mr. O.  His blood pressure rose to a resting 150 and 100 and his nape and forehead were in pain, and he could not turn his head and neck left or right without pain.  He asked his friend, a rich man, fat as well, and he gave him 2 high blood pressure medication tablets, that gave Mr. O some relief, but when the 2 tablets had been consumed and his friend went on a Christmas vacation, Mr. O was back in pain… could have been fatal at that point.

I had advised Mr. O to go on a temporary raw paleo diet with minimal raw protein.  Mostly hydrating fruits and raw animal fat.  And frequent hydrating.  At the same time I advised Mr. O to go see a medical doctor and get some high blood pressure medication prescribed to him so as to avoid him just keeling over and dying of some brain stroke.  I advised Mr. O that this Christmas season is not going to be good for him, all those celebrations and cooked food he must avoid.  Mr. O is a social animal so he could not help himself.

Mr. O had to wait in line for days at the free health center to be prescribed an anti hypertension medicine.  He was finally able to see a medical doctor, seemed to be a good experienced lady almost 60 years old.  She was very practical… knowing the limitations of most people… she prescribed easy to do stuff:

  • Have sex, 2x a week, but 1x a week will do.
  • In place of the usual beer, drink hard liquor instead, a good whiskey like Johnny Walker black will do.
  • take a cool shower every afternoon.
  • and of course take your hypertension medicine.

So Mr. O survived Christmas and New Year.  I made sure at our new year party, I served scotch whiskey.  And afterwards I gave the left over bottle to Mr. O.  to thin his blood.  What do you know, seems the whiskey works.

Mr. O ran out of 6 tablets of his hypertension drug and we then began a raw paleo diet.  Day 1 was a diluted orange juice fast.  At the start of the day I had Mr. O consume 1 bit of fresh Ilocos garlic.  And 1 tablespoon Braggs Apple Cider vinegar in 1/2 cup of purified water.

We found out Mr. O. had a habit of drinking faucet water.  Taught him that was no good, that faucet water had chlorine.

We found out during the dilluted orange juice fast that Mr. O drank very infrequently… and very little.  He only consumed half of what I told him to drink, and this was just 8 diluted oranges 1:5 to 1:4.  Mr.  O has a self discipline problem he’s like an irresponsible child at his age.

This 2nd day he still had half of his orange juice left so he’s drinking it.  He took another bit of garlic and already 2x the apple cider vinegar.   When he got hungry he has some raw beef fat and some raw beef meat and to make it more palatable raw I gave him 1 small padas fish… (bagoong / fermented, salted).

This afternoon he said he’s feeling really good.  He can now turn his head / neck without pain and his nape pain has diminished with just a bit on the left remaining.  Mr. O. was thinking that yes, this will only be for 3 days.  I put my foot down and told him he should go on 10 days.  If his friend Mr. B could do 10 days of raw paleo diet to get him out of a deathly pneumonia then 10 days on raw paleo diet for hypertension was supposed to be easy for Mr. O.  After all, again… I’m paying for this.

Yesterday Mr. O met a new doctor at a new health center and this doctor recommended Mr. O go on a raw diet for a while.  Great, an MD I agree with.  Mr. O doesn’t have money to buy new hypertension medication so he’s sticking with raw hydrating food for now…. there’s oranges, there’s coconuts, there’s bananas, there’s raw beef… fermented fish for taste, what more do you want?

Lately Mr. O says he has some diarrhea.  Detox?  I offered a probiotic liquid.  He said he may take it later.  For now he wanted to let the diarrhea run its course and clean himself out.  Suit yourself.

Sometimes being poor can be a blessing.  If he could afford it, this Mr. O would have been on hypertension drugs covering up his kidney problems and hydration problems all the while his heart beat is suppressed by drugs.  Covering up the symptoms, never addressing the root cause.  Wait a few days and let’s see how Mr. O progresses.

Yesterday’s blood pressure measurement with his MD was some 130 over 90.