Magnesium Deficiency: The Big Elephant in the Room – big root cause of many diseases
Many signals pointing to the big issue of magnesium deficiency finally woke me up. Â This magnesium deficiency issue is the big elephant in the room that I need to solve for the entire family. Â This has got to be big. Â Super huge. Â If we solve this magnesium deficiency in stellar fashion, we win the health jackpot… maybe one of the last major nails we have to get down to.
I’ve been listening to Carolyn Dean at and yes, very very informative. Â I had my friend Jackie give me a sample of magnesium oil and I tried it but felt some being too sleepy side effects. Â I thought again about the muscle cramps my children had and still continue to get at times. Â I thought again about the eczema my 2nd boy still has. I thought again about my own battle with liver / gall bladder stones. My wife’s challenges with B12 deficiency. Â I then borrowed the a magnesium book that came with the magnesium oil. Â Found the magnesium water website. Thought about all my past and current so called “incurable” patients… looked at the healing principles of my professional healer buddies…

Magnesium deficiency is BIG.  Magnesium deficiency is HUGE.  Unless you live by the sea as a fisherman or his immediate family, most people are likely to be deficient in magnesium!  Try as hard as you may with food, but food alone is not going to give enough of the magnesium we need.  We also need to DRINK magnesium with high magnesium content water.  We also need magnesium through our skin if once we were living in natural settings, walking barefoot on rich terrain, and by the bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and the beach… we should be getting our magnesium there.
Plus the lifestyles and foods and supplement assumptions guarantees the depletion of magnesium stores in our body.
So it is time to make the conscious effort to change our food and drink and supplements for possibly accommodating more magnesium and less sweets that consume magnesium, less dairy that consumes magnesium as well.
Our water, we neglected for quite a few years. Â We had slipped up. Â In 2002 we experimented with distilled water and were getting sick with 1 child. Â We shifted to natural spring mineral water with a 35 mg / l magnesium to 25 mg calcium ratio and all was well in a month. Â In the past years we forgot about this. Â This was bad. Â We need to return to this water. Â Good that the brand of water is still here, the only brand commercially available. Â So we are buying this brand now. Â It is quite noticeable how much I personally thirst for this water. Â Instincts kicking in… my body wants this water. Â But in the past when I began my raw experiments I hated water… but those waters were different the empty reverse osmosis waters in the villages had nothing good to offer.
Then there’s food choices. Â Then there’s magnesium oil. Â Then there’s supplements, whatever is available. Â In large quantities.
I am currently spraying 2 children. Â My girl says the magnesium oil has helped make her muscle cramps go away and makes her sleep better. Â My 2nd boy thinks there is no difference yet. Â My first boy complains that it makes his skin itchy so no magnesium oil for him for now. Â Wife is still wary of magnesium oil and has taken it only sparingly.
I’m the one experimenting in large quantities. Â I even did a liver flush yesterday with epsom salts. Â And the night before that I had a full body massage using magnesium oil. Â The too sleepy feeling I used to have has not recurred. Â I am thinking of other factors that may have coincided with that.
Here are some links to resources you might use to further your own research on magnesium deficiencies:
Chris Kresser has a nice little summary:
There are few compounds in the body more important to overall health than magnesium. Over 300 enzymes need it, including every enzyme associated with ATP, and enzymes required to synthesize DNA, RNA and proteins. Magnesium also plays an important role in bone and cell membranes, as it helps to transport ions across the membrane surface.
Studies show that most Americans are deficient in magnesium. The median intake across all racial groups is far below the RDA, which is 420 mg/d for men and 320-400 mg/d for women. Although half of Americans take a multivitamin daily, most don’t contain enough magnesium to prevent deficiency.
Magnesium is also difficult to obtain from food. Nuts and seeds are the highest source, but it’s difficult to eat enough of them to meet magnesium needs without getting too much polyunsaturated fat. Another issue is that magnesium levels in food have dropped as modern soils have become increasingly depleted. What this means is that if you’re not supplementing with magnesium, you’re probably not getting enough.
And magnesium deficiency is no small thing. It has serious – even fatal – consequences. It produces symptoms like muscle cramps, heart arrhythmias, tremor, headaches & acid reflux, and it’s associated with CVD, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, migraines, PMS, asthma, hypothyroidism. In fact, it’s hard to find a modern disease magnesium deficiency isn’t associated with.
Because of this, I think everyone should supplement with magnesium. Intake of 400 – 800 mg/d from a combination of food and supplements is an optimal range to shoot for. Since most people get less than 250 mg/d from food, a dose of 400 – 600 mg/d in supplement form is ideal. I recommend using chelated forms of magnesium like glycinate and malate, because they’re better absorbed and tend to have fewer side effects.
from Amazon Books:Â
and a youtube video by Mark Sircus on Magnesium Oil Therapy: