Category: Diseases

Early Onset Dementia opinion of Dr. Richard Schulze

I’m loving Dr. Richard Schulze – the herbal doc for his straight talk.  Not shy about gunning down the idiocy of what I call pharmaceutical medicine.  And going straight for the jugular at addressing disease.  Check out these nuggets from his blog discussing early onset dementia as a response...

Anti Dengue Fever Mosquito Larvae Killing Investment

My wife had her alarm bells ringing enough with the 2 or 3 dengue fever cases we just had. Very hard to battle strain of dengue fever. Had our daughter down for a week. And our maid for more than 2 weeks. It’s a good thing we are accomplished...

Dengue Fever Cured. 7 Year Old Girl Goes to School.

Platelet count of 140 yesterday. Girl getting bored at home. Girl seems fine and playful and energy going up. So it’s off to school today. Her mom wanted it, and got a green light from her anthroposophic doc. I didn’t want it, but it seems I’m out voted. In...

Dengue Fever Update: Not yet fully cured? Not yet pooped!

After that seemingly cured experience by evening, my little girl didn’t seem cured the following day the whole day.  My fault.  I was out of town entertaining a friend the whole day.  This morning I was able to attend to her needs.  On the bright side, I came home...

Dengue Fever Virus Cure War via Beam Ray and Custom Zapper

My 7 year old daughter was having problems with her dengue fever treatment protocol.  She vehemently hated drinking the tawa tawa tea.  My wife and our maid was handling her and she hardly drank any tawa tawa tea.  Only able to take anthroposophic meds is of course not enough. ...