Awful cooked food this lunch necessitates colon cleansing

I had a home cooked lunch at my true friend’s house.  I was being nice because we hadn’t seen each other in a long time.  So as not to offend I gave in and ate a regular cooked lunch.  It has been so long since I did that and it felt strange.

After lunch I was so so so very sleepy.  Something that does not happen on raw food, even with 3 raw eggs.  My body was in overdrive trying to digest the less digestible stuff.

To tell you the truth, I did not enjoy the cooked meal, I had to drink plain water as cooked food is dehydrating.  I think switching to this raw fruitarian thing is too good a deal to give up.  Once you make this adjustment there is just no turning back.

Next time when I come over for a meal with friends I will just have to tell them to prepare me some raw fruit.  What are real friends for?  Real friends will understand that raw foodists need to eat raw every time.

This evening I drank Doctor Tam’s Miracle Tea as my colon cleanse.  This will clear the cooked food from my body by tomorrow morning.