Category: Diseases

Slow wound healing and eczemas

I’ve been observing the scratches and little wounds I get and I am not satisfied with the amount of time it takes for me to heal. Maybe it has something to do with that alkaline burning that happened to me last January. Then there is of course my brother...

Fear, uncertainty, doubt and impatience in a time of healing

I wonder why after all the continuous progress Bugoy suddenly gets to be impatient, fearful, uncertain and doubting. His outer skin looks and gets continuously better. His eczema oozing in his groin has stopped. I think it was a few days ago when Doc Gerry told him he still...

Sept 21 Steam Bath and Liver Flush Results

Bugoy finished another steam bath session with Doc Gerry Francisco at They also did another bath with tawas and salt.  They also rubbed his body with calamansi.  This time the calamansi rubbing was painful.  My theory is they have hit rock bottom; finally they are hitting real live...

Sept 20 was juicing day and liver flush night

Bugoy ate Durian fruit with us this morning. Yummy. Then it was time for his mongo sprouts juicing which he did juiced using our matstone juicer. In between he was taking avocado leaves tea and green honey. Then by 2pm he juiced the labanos aka radish.  Powerful stuff.  Bugoy...

Plan for september 19, lunch, nutrition, treatments

The plan for today is internal healing. 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil upon waking up. Then after 2 hours 2 more tablespoons again. Continue drinking the avocado leaves tea. With a touch of green honey. Continuously pee to cleanse the insides. Buy mongo sprouts, kamote leaves tops, white...

Colon cleanse – kidney cleanse – skin cleanse in one night and more

Last night I stayed up late with Bugoy to supervise his treatments with Manang Lorna.  Bugoy is irritated by the eccentric ways of Manang Lorna the herbalist.  She speaks repetitively in tongues.  Tagalog is not her primary language.  There are cultural differences too.  Manang Lorna is islamic.  She smokes. ...